
Image of 永利app新版本官网地址's Durham campus where you can recruit UNH students!

When you work with CaPS to host a recruiting event you get an entire team on your side to provide you with useful insight into our student body and practical support for your events.

利用…… 非法的方式 让我们来帮你! 所有的要求都要提出 三周前 到预定日期,确保成功向学生推销. 参考 校历 和 停电日期 以下是最佳招聘日. 

尽管所需的支持级别可能是定制的, 通过CaPS要求的所有招聘活动包括:

  • 有针对性的营销. We’ve got a direct line, so let us 帮助 you reach the student population you’re recruiting.
  • 技术诀窍. 我们可以提供所需的技术平台, 以及故障排除专业知识, 以保证活动的成功.
  • 进度管理. CaPS sends event reminders to registered students on your behalf because we’re all busy these days.
  • 的一天-event支持. 不用担心技术上的困难, 我们的团队会在活动当天为您和学生提供帮助.
  • 中心报告. 帮助你跟进你的活动, CaPS can provide the contact information of the students that engaged with you

一旦你提交了你的事件请求, you can expect an email from the 事业和专业成功 team within 3 business days to confirm and/or further discuss your event details. 请注意:2024年春季招聘季节已经结束, 请稍后查看2024年秋季招聘季节的信息.




雇佣一个野猫 by conducting one-on-one or panel-type interviews with UNH students

通过要求与UNH进行虚拟或面对面的面试, CaPS还可以在以下方面为您提供帮助:

  • 在握手中建立你的面试时间表
  • 设置您的技术需求
  • 监控你的申请人池
  • 向学生推销你的机会

的一天, we will provide you with your interview day packet –complete with your final schedule and student resumes –and are happy to 帮助 with any technical troubleshooting or student communication.

计划完全由你自己主持面试? 您仍然可以与CaPS合作! 我们可以帮助你加大努力,增加你的申请人才库. 通过在握手中发布你即将进行的面试, 你的职位和相关的面试将会被所有14个人看到,并在所有CaPS的社交媒体页面上进行推广. You can broaden your reach and boost the word about your opportunity by teaming up with CaPS.


首先登录你的 握手 账户.

跟随握手的 循序渐进的指导 to request your interview and please use the below when requesting your interviews: 

面试时间 雇主名称-虚拟面试

联系人: Please provide the name and contact information for the interviewers from your company. You are able to include staff members even if they don’t have a 握手 profile

  • 如果出现任何问题或疑问,这些信息是有用的

想要自己管理日程安排? Select 房间 只有 当提出请求时. 

  • 在确认面试日期之前,需要一份学生面试名单.
  • 请发邮件给我 template,完整填写,至 员工关系 至少提前2天 到你预定的面试日期. 
    • 除非您预订了两个房间, when filling out this template please refrain from scheduling overlapping interviews
    • We will use the provided contact information to communicate logistics with the students

一旦你通过握手提交了你的虚拟面试请求, you can expect an email from the 事业和专业成功 team to discuss your interview needs and technical logistics (we provide the phone or video link versus we coordinate with you to utilize your own virtual interview platform).


登入你的 握手  帐户,然后点击下面的中间部分 要求面试. 您将能够点击您的个性化时间表. 

  • 左上角的标签是你可以查看的地方 申请人.
  • 中间的标签是你可以 构建面试包.
  • 右上方的标签是你可以 管理工作. 您可以编辑/删除现有作业、创建新作业或复制作业详细信息.  
  • The middle of the page under your scheduled date is where you can edit any time slots as well as student sign ups.
  • 请仔细注意 时间轴 在左手边. 这些都是重要的申请截止日期.


  • 首先登录你的 握手 账户.
  • 查看 循序渐进的指导 申请你的校园面试. 
  • 我只想要一间审讯室? Select 房间 只有 当提出请求时. 在确认面试日期之前,需要一份学生面试名单. 请使用“提供” template 然后完整填写. 


登入你的 握手  帐户,然后点击下面的中间部分 要求面试. 您将能够点击您的个性化时间表. 

  • 左上角的标签是你可以查看的地方 申请人.
  • 中间的标签是你可以 构建面试包.
  • 右上方的标签是你可以 管理工作. 您可以编辑/删除现有作业、创建新作业或复制作业详细信息.  
  • The middle of the page under your scheduled date is where you can edit any time slots and also student sign ups.
  • 请仔细注意 时间轴 在左手边. 这些都是重要的申请截止日期.



在UNH举办咨询台是提高品牌知名度的好方法, 市场未平仓, 认识新同学. 

  • 位于我们校园的中心, the Memorial Union Building (MUB) is our student center and draws thousands of students through the doors daily. 
  • Tabling occurs just outside of “Union Court,” one of our on-campus counter-service dining locations. 
  • Interact with students from all programs at UNH in a highly visible MUB location.
  • 周一至周四上午11点至下午2点提供3小时的座位.
  •  桌子和两把椅子
  •  方便停车
  •  以学生为中心的社交媒体营销

有兴趣在UNH招收学生? 通过我们的 UNH CaPS校园招聘预订页面.

请通过我们的雇主预约网站提出申请. Please note, your request is not finalized until a member of our team reaches out to confirm. 一旦你提交了你的事件请求, you can expect an email from the 事业和专业成功 team within 3 business days to confirm and further discuss your event details. 




    安排10分钟, 与学生进行一对一的信息交流或模拟面试, 简历审查, 或问&永利app新版本官网地址你的公司或行业.


    显示case your organization with panelists and a moderator for a dynamic and highly engaged conversation with a group of students.

    对上述选项之一感兴趣? 电子邮件 雇主 提交请求.

    其他校园招聘选择取决于大学的可用性. Please see below for opportunities available based on your desired college population. 一旦你提交了你的事件请求, you can expect an email from the 事业和专业成功 team within 3 business days to confirm and/or further discuss your event details. 



      UNH 职业生涯 博览会 offer 雇主s the opportunity to meet and recruit students 1:1 or in group sessions.

      请浏览我们的 CaPS职业活动 有关本学期举办的展览会的更多细节.

      • 登录 到你的握手账户
      • 使用这些有用的方法 演练和资源 来引导你完成公平的握手体验



        Locations will be assigned based on your 握手 industry and desired student population for recruitment. College-specific recruitment is only available to 雇主s that align with UNH's student populations and industry needs. 请通过电子邮件请求访问有针对性的大学招聘选项 雇主

        工程学院 & 物理科学


        在UNH举办咨询台是提高品牌知名度的好方法, 市场未平仓, 认识新同学. CEPS tabling is available in Kingsbury Hall on select dates during the semester. 雇主 should plan to engage with students with incentives such as raffles, 披萨, 或者其他零食.

        •  桌子和两把椅子
        •  方便停车
        •  以学生为中心的社交媒体营销

        卫生学院 & 人类服务

        Please see campus-wide recruitment options to engage with this student population.


        Please see campus-wide recruitment options to engage with this student population.

        生命科学学院 & 农业


        给 students the opportunity to "drop-in" to meet with you for a one-on-one conversation around career advice and insight, 网络, 或者回答公司特有的问题. COLSA drop-in hours are available Monday-Wednesday 1:00PM-3:00PM during regular 职业生涯 dropin小时.

        • 方便的咨询地点
        • 方便停车
        • 以学生为中心的社交媒体营销


        Please see campus-wide recruitment options to engage with this student population.

        彼得T. 保罗商学院 & 经济学


        在UNH举办咨询台是提高品牌知名度的好方法, 市场未平仓, 认识新同学. Paul tabling is available for 3 hour time slots Monday-Thursday 10:00AM-4:00PM.

        •  桌子和两把椅子
        •  方便停车
        •  以学生为中心的社交媒体营销

        雇主 interested in being considered for in-class presentations should reach out to the Paul 职业生涯 Advising Team to be added to the 雇主 presentations list. 雇主 are not permitted to reach out to faculty directly; all requests must go through the Paul CaPS Team.


        • Submit your request at least 3 weeks in advance so that we have the time to market your event to the students.
        • 帖子 all associated job opportunities to 握手 prior to or at the time of requesting your event.
        • Include as much information as possible in the description section of your request in 握手 for students. 
        • 电子邮件 雇主 with any company marketing content and include social media handles so we can get your brand out to students as best as possible.  
        • 我们不能保证出席虚拟活动或报名参加采访.  


        我们知道,如果没有适当的资源,招聘可能会很困难. We would love to work with you to determine alternative recruitment opportunities that allow New Hampshire's small and medium businesses to thrive. 请与我们联系 雇主 讨论可能适合你的可能性.




        • 从9月3日星期二开始,进行校内和虚拟面试和活动
        • Ends Friday, December 6 (the last day to submit a recruiting request is Friday, November 15)

